Tuesday, April 15, 2008

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."

According to Mr. Gandhi, these are the stages of a winning strategy of non violent activism, against the 'galloping imperial forces of the mighty British empire'. I don't think many (of the few) people outside my family who read this blog would understand why I highlighted the last part of my previous sentence. (The statement has an undercurrent to it, kind of a heat seeking missile, and I know it will find its target).
I too had, not exact but similar experiences when I had bought my camera (and a dry cabinet to keep them) couple of yrs ago . But then I excelled Mr.Gandhi, ...Just Imagine Churchill, Attlee and Mountbatten in Khadi whites with a gandhi topi.
Dear all...I achieved that.

1 comment:

Achuth said...

ha ha..what happened exactly?