Friday, May 09, 2008

I was watching a documentary on the amazon rain forests on NGC. As usual, the program was wonderful, but one sentence which the narrator said captured my attention. Somewhere in the middle of the sentence, he said "Everything here depends on everything else".
I thought it was a super cool statement! A bit of googling and net-search revealed that, ancient scholars called this - 'Pratityasamutpada'. Which in a nutshell (thats my brain-size) means 'the cause and the effects are inter-dependent and inter-linked'.

I am science guy, biological science, to be precise. To me this converts to advocating the idea that scientific problems in biology should be addressed using a systems biology approach and not the more common and widely practiced reduction-istic approach.

As of now, I shall just wait, watch, shoot and post....when time permits.
